Fear of the Aging Process

Someone asked me if I’m scared of the aging process.  I certainly have been so, especially of the physical changes it brings.  My particular annoyance and fear has come around losing strength.  I have always prided myself on being someone with very good strength — you know the type, moving around furniture and tiling the bathroom easily.  Well, recently, I had occasion to have to do some more of that tiling and good grief!  I could hardly lift the tiles that I used to heft around easily (the big 18” square ones).  This did not make me happy!  But what I figure is that what I can no longer lift in weight, I can easily make up for in growing ability to let go of things, and “not sweat the small stuff” as much!

I was also asked about giving up control on “time passing you by too quickly.”  The best words I can offer here is that aging (hopefully) along with a spiritual practice makes us stay very much in the present moment, and when we do that, we tend to sloooowwwww time way down.  Then being in the moment holds much more ability to enjoy this very moment before it slips away…